
Boring crypto that simply works

hashing, message authentication, and key derivation with SHA-512

#include <monocypher-ed25519.h>

crypto_sha512(uint8_t hash[64], const uint8_t *message, size_t message_size);

crypto_sha512_init(crypto_sha512_ctx *ctx);

crypto_sha512_update(crypto_sha512_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_size);

crypto_sha512_final(crypto_sha512_ctx *ctx, uint8_t hash[64]);

crypto_sha512_hmac(uint8_t hmac[64], const uint8_t *key, size_t key_size, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_size);

crypto_sha512_hmac_init(crypto_sha512_hmac_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_size);

crypto_sha512_hmac_update(crypto_sha512_hmac_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_size);

crypto_sha512_hmac_final(crypto_sha512_hmac_ctx *ctx, uint8_t hmac[64]);

crypto_sha512_hkdf(uint8_t *okm, size_t okm_size, const uint8_t *ikm, size_t ikm_size, const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_size, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_size);

crypto_sha512_hkdf_expand(uint8_t *okm, size_t okm_size, const uint8_t *prk, size_t prk_size, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_size);


(), (), (), and () implement SHA-512, a cryptographically secure hash. They are provided to enable compatibility with other cryptographic systems. It is generally recommended to use crypto_blake2b() instead, as it both performs faster on x86_64 CPUs and lacks many of the pitfalls of SHA-512.

Note that SHA-512 itself is not suitable for hashing passwords and deriving keys from them; use the crypto_argon2() family of functions for that purpose instead.

SHA-512 is , and thus cannot directly be used for message authentication codes (MAC), nor as a random oracle. For those, use the () family of functions instead.

The arguments are:

The output SHA-512 hash, which is always 64-bytes long.
The message to hash. May be NULL if message_size is 0.
Length of message, in bytes.

(), (), (), and () implement HMAC with SHA-512, and can be used for message authentication codes or as a random oracle. They are provided to enable compatibility with other cryptographic systems. It is generally recommended to use keyed crypto_blake2b() instead, as it performs faster on x86_64 CPUs.

The arguments are:

The output MAC, which is always 64-bytes long. When used as a message authentication code, it can safely be truncated down to 16 bytes. To avoid timing attacks, use crypto_verify16(), crypto_verify32(), or crypto_verify64() to compare (possibly truncated) MACs.
Some secret key. When uniformly random, one cannot predict the final HMAC without it. Users may want to wipe the key with crypto_wipe() once they are done with it. Also stands for the salt argument when using () for HKDF extraction.
Length of key, in bytes. 32 is a good default. Keys longer than 128 bytes will be reduced to 64 bytes by hashing the key with SHA-512.
The message to compute the HMAC for. May be NULL if message_size is 0. Also stands for the ikm argument when using crypto_sha512_hmac() for HKDF extraction.
Length of message, in bytes.

crypto_sha512_hkdf() and crypto_sha512_hkdf_expand() implement HKDF key derivation on top of SHA-512. HKDF is divided in two phases: first we entropy from some input key material to produce a pseudo-random key (PRK) which is indistinguishable from uniform random bytes. Then we that pseudo-random key into a longer stream of independent random bytes called (OKM).

HKDF extraction is already implemented in (), so there is no dedicated function. HKDF expansion is implemented by (). Note that expansion works with any uniformly random key, the PRK does not have to come from crypto_sha512_hmac() specifically. Likewise, if compatibility or standard compliance is not an issue, expansion could in principle use any pseudo-random function, such as crypto_chacha20_djb().

() is a convenience function that performs crypto_sha512_hmac() and crypto_sha512_hkdf_expand().

Contrary to most functions in Monocypher, the inputs of () and () with their output. The unlimited size of both inputs and output prevents us from from caching one of them in a local variable.

The arguments are:

The output key material of HKDF or HKDF expansion, usable as a symmetric encryption key, or set thereof.
Length of okm, in bytes.
Input key material containing enough secret entropy to derive uniformly random keys from, such as the shared secret of a key exchange performed with crypto_x25519(). Passwords do not contain enough entropy to be used as input key material. Hash them with crypto_argon2() instead.
Length of ikm, in bytes.
Pseudo-random key. Typically comes from an HKDF extraction with (), but can come from any source as long as it is uniformly random. Should be at least 32 bytes long.
Length of prk, in bytes.
An optional random salt, used to increase the security of the output key material okm in some settings. Can be NULL if salt_size is zero. Otherwise it should contain at least 16 bytes.
Length of salt, in bytes.
Optional domain separation string for key derivation. Can be NULL if info_size is zero.
Length of info, in bytes.

An incremental interface is provided. It is useful for handling streams of data or large files without using too much memory. This interface uses three steps:

  • initialisation with () or crypto_sha512_hmac_init(), which sets up a context with the hashing parameters;
  • update with crypto_sha512_update() or crypto_sha512_hmac_update(), which hashes the message chunk by chunk and keeps the intermediary result in the context;
  • and finalisation with crypto_sha512_final() or crypto_sha512_hmac_final(), which produces the final hash. The crypto_sha512_ctx or crypto_sha512_hmac_ctx is automatically wiped upon finalisation.

() is a convenience function that performs (), (), and ().

() is a convenience function that performs (), (), and ().

These functions return nothing.

Hashing a message all at once:

uint8_t hash   [64]; /* Output hash (64 bytes)          */
uint8_t message[12] = "Lorem ipsum"; /* Message to hash */
crypto_sha512(hash, message, 12);

Hashing a message incrementally:

uint8_t hash   [ 64]; /* Output hash (64 bytes) */
uint8_t message[500] = {1}; /* Message to hash  */
crypto_sha512_ctx ctx;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i += 100) {
    crypto_sha512_update(&ctx, message + i, 100);
crypto_sha512_final(&ctx, hash);

Computing a message authentication code all at once:

uint8_t hash   [64];                /* Output hash             */
uint8_t key    [32];                /* Key                     */
uint8_t message[10] = "Lorem ipsu"; /* Message to authenticate */
arc4random_buf(key, 32);
crypto_sha512_hmac(hash, key, 32, message, 10);
/* Wipe secrets if they are no longer needed */
crypto_wipe(message, 10);
crypto_wipe(key, 32);

Computing a message authentication code incrementally:

uint8_t hash   [64];        /* Output hash             */
uint8_t key    [32];        /* Key                     */
uint8_t message[500] = {1}; /* Message to authenticate */
crypto_sha512_hmac_ctx ctx;
arc4random_buf(key, 32);
crypto_sha512_hmac_init(&ctx, key, 32);
/* Wipe the key */
crypto_wipe(key, 32);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i += 100) {
    crypto_sha512_hmac_update(&ctx, message + i, 100);
    /* Wipe secrets if they are no longer needed */
    crypto_wipe(message + i, 100);
crypto_sha512_hmac_final(&ctx, hash);

Deriving keys from input key material:

uint8_t okm[128];                 /* Output random keys */
uint8_t ikm [96];                 /* Input key material */
uint8_t salt[16];                 /* Random salt        */
uint8_t info[11] = "Lorem ipsum"; /* Domain separation  */
arc4random_buf(salt, sizeof(salt));
crypto_sha512_hkdf(okm, sizeof(okm),
                   ikm, sizeof(ikm),
                   salt, sizeof(salt),
                   info, sizeof(info));
uint8_t *key1 = okm +  0;
uint8_t *key2 = okm + 32;
uint8_t *key3 = okm + 64;
uint8_t *key4 = okm + 96;
/* Wipe okm when it is no longer needed */

Deriving keys from several bits of input key material:

uint8_t okm [96];            /* Output secret keys        */
uint8_t pk_a[32];            /* Alice public X25519 key   */
uint8_t pk_b[32];            /* Bob   public X25519 key   */
uint8_t skab[32];            /* Alice & bob shared secret */
uint8_t ikm [96];            /* Input key material        */
uint8_t salt[16];            /* Random salt               */
uint8_t info[ 6] = "X25519"; /* Domain separation         */
arc4random_buf(salt, sizeof(salt));

/* Extract */
uint8_t prk[64];             /* pseudo-random key         */
crypto_sha512_hmac_ctx ctx;
crypto_sha512_hmac_init  (&ctx, salt, sizeof(salt));
crypto_sha512_hmac_update(&ctx, pk_a, sizeof(pk_a));
crypto_sha512_hmac_update(&ctx, pk_b, sizeof(pk_b));
crypto_sha512_hmac_update(&ctx, skab, sizeof(skab));
crypto_sha512_hmac_final (&ctx, prk);

/* Expand */
crypto_sha512_hkdf_expand(okm, sizeof(okm),
                          prk, sizeof(prk),
                          info, sizeof(info));
uint8_t *key1 = okm +  0;
uint8_t *key2 = okm + 32;
uint8_t *key3 = okm + 64;
/* Wipe okm when it is no longer needed */

crypto_blake2b(), crypto_aead_lock(), crypto_poly1305(), intro()

These functions implement SHA-512, HMAC with SHA-512, and HKDF with SHA-512. HMAC and SHA-512 are described in RFC 6234; SHA-512 is also described in the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180-4; HMAC is also described in FIPS 198-1. HKDF is described in RFC 5869.

The crypto_sha512(), crypto_sha512_init(), crypto_sha512_update(), and crypto_sha512_final() functions first appeared in Monocypher 0.3, but were not intended for use outside Monocypher itself and thus undocumented. They became part of the official API in Monocypher 3.0.0.

The crypto_hmac_sha512(), crypto_hmac_sha512_init(), crypto_hmac_sha512_update(), and crypto_hmac_sha512_final() functions first appeared in Monocypher 3.0.0, then renamed crypto_sha512_hmac(), crypto_sha512_hmac_init(), crypto_sha512_hmac_update(), and crypto_sha512_hmac_final() in Monocypher 4.0.0.

crypto_sha512_hkdf() and crypto_sha512_hkdf_expand() were added in Monocypher 4.0.0.

Monocypher does not perform any input validation. Any deviation from the specified input and output length ranges results in . Make sure your inputs are correct.

SHA-512 is a general-purpose cryptographic hash function; this means that it is not suited for hashing passwords and deriving cryptographic keys from passwords. While cryptographic keys usually have hundreds of bits of entropy, passwords are often much less complex. When storing passwords as hashes or when deriving keys from them, the goal is normally to prevent attackers from quickly iterating all possible passwords. Because passwords tend to be simple, it is important to artificially slow down attackers by using especially computationally difficult hashing algorithms. Monocypher therefore provides crypto_argon2() for password hashing and deriving keys from passwords.

While HKDF and HMAC are proper key derivation functions (KDF), the HKDF expand step alone is not. It is a pseudo-random function (PRF), that only works with a random key. We cannot simply input regular (non uniform) input key material without making unusually strong assumptions about the security of HMAC.

February 25, 2023 Debian